Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here..There...and Everywhere in Between!

Welcome the first "regular" official Blog update from the Cermak's. Those of you who know us best, know that this is a huge deal for us, being the prehistoric technology people that we are. We are slowly submerging into the world of Blogging and all because we love and value you, our readers. So this one's for you!!!

In the past month or so many changes have happened in Cermak World. Let us just highlight a few things for you.

1. We have made that GINORMOUS leap of faith and have moved away from the comfort of our jobs into the land of full time support raising.

2. We are now a "CAR-LESS" family. Dayna's car Zippy, was sadly laid to rest shortly after our honeymoon and we were miraculously able to sell Tony's truck.

3. We have moved from Yorba Linda to Hemet for a few months before moving to South Africa.

4. We have traveled from Oregon to Idaho to Las Vegas, saying goodbyes to family while continuing to raise support.

5. We are expecting a new nephew into our family.....as we write. Lindsey, Dayna's younger sister, should be delivering baby Zeek today!

We still have much to do before our October departure to South Africa. We keep pluggin away and we continue to see God's blessing and provision for us. In the midst of all this exciting change we have struggled a bit. Saying goodbye to people has been difficult. Trying to release people well, has been tiring and has taken a toll on us and our friends emotionally. No matter how much time one might have to prepare making a huge move like we are, there never seems to be enough time to spend with those you love so deeply. Also, the loss of our cars has been a blessing, but hard. Much of the time Tony and I feel stuck and so far away from our core community of friends. We are thankful the burden of selling our cars is lifted, however, we long for that independence that we have lost not having our own transportation. Of course there is the constant battle for God to increase our faith during the last bit of our support raising. We are more than half way there, but sometimes that last hump is the hardest to get over. Kinda like loosing that last 5 pounds.

Soooo, that is a quick snapshot of US! We just want to be as real and open with you as possible. Our heart is that you would be in tune with us and everything we are experiencing. We want you to know what is going on with us internally as well as externally. So get ready because we will hold nothin back. Before we sign out, here is a quick update where will be the next few weeks.

Aug 1-5 we will be house-sitting in Orange

Aug 5-14 we will be visiting Dayna's sister and new baby in Appleton, Wisconsin

Aug 16-18 we will be up at Lake Arrowhead with some friends and supporters

We would appreciate your prayers for some of the things we shared with you. Also, prayers regarding our Visa's, Dayna's renewed passport, and all the other administrative details we need to take care of before we move. Thank you so much for you care, time and support. We are truly thankful for you love and friendship. Until next time......