Friday, November 21, 2008

our new spot


Well….WE ARE IN!!!! The Cermak family has finally settled into their own home. We must apologize for being MIA the past week. After nearly a month of searching, we finally found a place to rent here in South Africa. We absolutely love it and it feels like home to us. We moved in on Monday and soon realized all the work we had ahead of us to make the place livable. Deep cleaning, little korkey things than need fixing, BIG things that need fixing, turning over the soil so we can plant grass before the rainy season passes us by. As you can tell we have been very busy. Just think, it will be spectacular for when you all come and visit.

Not only do we have a place to call our own, but we also got our fist child the same week. Cowboy “Cash” Jr. is 6 weeks old and is a pure-bread Borra Bull. We named him after Johnny Cash and he just loves playing in the yard with Tony while listening to his name -sake. You know what they say (whoever “they” are) first start with a plant, and if it lives then move to a pet, and if it lives you are ready for the real little human.

Since our last posting we have been pretty pre-occupied with setting up our life over here. It is a necessary step for us before we can feel completely free to jump full on into “ministry”. We have connected with folks here and there, but have mostly been building into the Nieu Communities team. Some of them will be gone for a couple of months, so we are spending time with them before they leave. We said goodbye to all the 2008 apprentices last week so it is much quieter around the NC property. Tony and I are taking things one day at a time and we know that our lives are going to be very full before we know it. I (Dayna) have been involved in some staff meetings for next year and both Tony and I hope to begin visiting Sosahnguve (the township near us) on a regular basis soon..

Thank you all for your love and prayers and support. It would not b e possible for us to be here without your love and care. Thank you. We look forward to blogging more, however, our home does not have phone or internet just yet. Right now we have to come to Pangani (the Nieu Community property) to phone or e-mail. Thank you for your patience and your time. We love and miss you all and will be in touch again soon.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Dayna! For some reason I don't receive your email updates but, Mark recently told me about your blog. I am praying for you and Tony as you make this journey and look forward to keeping up with you! Much love...